User Goals

A user may have come to your site randomly. If so, will they stay? Will someone using your site daily want to be there day-in and day-out?

We can help you identify the key goals that your users have. For example: buy a kite, download a film clip, locate a house on a map. We can then make it easy for those users to satisy those goals.

We can also identify the murkier, more complicated goals that your users have: the kind of goals that only exist under certain circumstances, but can lead to the most frustration. Those are the hardest goals to communicate and to understand. Implementing them smoothly can win accolades from your customers.

We usually determine user goals by:

  1. Clicking around your current web site (we have clicked many-a-website in our time) to see what users see now.
  2. Talking with you about who your main user types are.
  3. Listening to what you want users to do in new versions of your sofware (we like to know your vision of where things can go).
  4. Working directly with a range of your customers to learn their goals directly from them.

If your site is one visited by a huge amount of visitors, with lots of different goals, we can apply our general understanding of user/business interactions to identify the main goals that you and your users have.

We always pay attention to making sure that your user’s goals are not lost in a long list of features nor in the engineering room due to poor design. We pay heavy attention to making sure that usability stays high. Usability is one of our core philosophies.

We’re used to creating sites where the user hits the same 5 pages all day long for some business task, as well as sites that get millions of hits from causal visitors who basically stumbled on the site via a search engine or friendly link, so we’re well aware that they are different kinds of beasts that require different approaches.

For more information about how we can help you nail your user’s goals and make ’em happy, please contact us.